Saturday, April 12, 2014

My New Role

Today was our Great Strides 101 meeting where we just met and talked about fundraising ideas to get ready for the walk. I love hearing how other people in Knoxville are working so hard to help fund a cure for their children. Also, during the meeting, I had some really deep thoughts about what my role in the CF community is now that I am a 26 year old adult living with cystic fibrosis.

I have already realized how important it is for me to stay compliant for not only myself, but for my husband. I owe it to him to stick around as long as I can and to stay the healthiest I can, and I owe it to myself to make my quality of life as good as possible. I don't want to be sick all the time and not be able to enjoy my life. With all of that being said, I have another role that I never really thought about. At the meeting, were parents of kids who are much younger than me and are battling cystic fibrosis. I owe it to those kids to set a good example. I have been telling my story so that others might see but also for myself. It's been a great way to get my feelings out in writing, but I think it is so important for kids living with CF to see my story so that they won't make the same mistakes I made. I wasted so much of my life by pretending I didn't have this horrible, challenging disease, and if I can keep just one person from doing that same thing, then I have done my job.

It sounds like I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself, but I think that keeping those kids in mind, will make it easier for me to keep up with my breathing treatments and will help drive all of my other health decisions that I make. I'm 26 years old now, and it is past time for me to step it up and help others in the CF community. I know I am up for the challenge! :)

My other role is to raise money and awareness for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. So, if you haven't already made a contribution to my Great Strides team, please consider doing so. There is no such thing as too little, because every little bit adds up. There is so much hope for my future, but the hope is even greater for the future of all the children who are fighting cystic fibrosis. There is a very real chance that they won't have to go through some of the things I have gone through, and that is a beautiful thing! Please make that hope a reality for all of us fighting CF! It's so very easy to do. Just click on the link below and click "Donate to me."

Thank you all for your continued love and support! I appreciate it more than you could possibly know!

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