Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Back to School

Well, after two weeks of winter break followed by three snow/cold weather days, I am finally going back to work tomorrow. I don't really know how I feel about it, because I do love my job and have missed my kids. At the same time, I have really gotten used to being around the house all the time and actually having time to get household chores finished. It's been a nice relaxing break that I have thoroughly enjoyed! Throughout the break, I kept thinking back to how sick I was this time last year and how that really ruined everything I tried to do. I felt so weak and tired from the beginning of December through the end of January. I'm so thankful for being healthy this year. I just hope it continues.

Speaking of staying healthy, I'm doing everything in my power to do so. It's January 8th today, and I have been compliant all 8 days of 2014! I know it seems small, but you start somewhere. I'm on the right track. The break has been bad for my gym routine, but that will be back on track now that I'm going back to work and back to the real world.

So here's to the 2nd semester of my 2nd year of teaching! I hope it goes smoothly. :)

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