I apologize to those of you who have been waiting on news from my clinic appointment last week. Life got in the way of me writing this post... Teaching has been crazy busy, and I have had things going on pretty much every night.
On the day of my appointment, I woke up to a deep, wet cough, so I went into it knowing that my lung function would not be what I had been hoping for. I was right... my lung function dropped from 47% to 45%. The doctor was not at all concerned though since my weight was still the same, and he said that he saw that drop as very minimal. We also talked about started antibiotics then, but he didn't feel like it was necessary yet because he didn't want to over react if it was just a little thing. Unfortunately, I started feeling pretty terrible this week, so they called in some antibiotics for me. I'm hoping that it will get rid of the junk I've got going on in my lungs right now.
The other big question for this clinic appointment was about CF related diabetes. I had to do the fasted two hour glucose tolerance test for the second time this year due to my May test resulting in the number being too high. Unfortunately, I had almost the exact same numbers this time, so they have sent my information to an endocrinologist who is supposed to call me to set up an appointment. I really don't know much about CFRD other than it is not Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. It is more closely related to type 1 though. My doctor also mentioned that many times, to begin with, you just have to monitor blood sugar for a while assuming that it's not too far progressed. Right now, it's just a waiting game until I see the endocrinologist and learn more.
So all in all, my clinic appointment was not at all what I was hoping for. It is what it is though... I will just take my new obstacles and keep going. My next clinic appointment is set for November 30, so as usual, I have my sights set high for my lung function. I'm going to continue doing everything I can to stay healthy once I get rid of this little cold thing I'm battling right now.